Minerva Group

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Reach your customers through popular social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram with our tailored plans today

Overwhelmed by social media advertising?

We’ll connect you with your ideal customer around the world.


Facebook has become a serious advertising platform for businesses. With increased competition in the Facebook advertising space, it is vital that you know how to run successful Facebook Ads and also reach your audience organically. Our experts will do this through highly targeted, strategic content that provides value to your audience and builds a lasting relationship.

 Ads optimisation
 Content creation
 Audience targeting



Visually inspire your audience and discover new customers from around the world. Instagram allows you to run contests, boost followers, adopt influencer marketing and curate a personality for your brand. Our social media managers can help build you a strategy that ensures you grow your audience and create content that will ultimately convert into sales for your business.

 Content strategy
 Instagram Stories
 Ad optimisation



Want to network with prominent business professionals? LinkedIn is the network to build thriving relationships with other businesses. Our social media experts know how to craft a LinkedIn profile that can sky-rocket your website traffic and generate a tangible ROI. We will also show you how you can position yourself as a leader in your field through strategic content.

 Profile management
 White paper and article creationtargeting


As the second-largest search engine on the web, YouTube gives your business a global platform to engage with users. Building an audience on YouTube requires expertise, so when you partner with us, we will share our insider secrets for growing a channel, execute a YouTube advertising campaign, manage your ad spend, and regularly update you on your ad’s performance.

 Channel growth

Personalsuche leicht gemacht.

Ein global agierender Vermittler

We give YOU the ultimate control over your brand which is why we keep you in the loop at all stages. You will receive access to a platform where you can view, approve or edit content before anything goes live.







In den folgenden Branchen vermitteln wir neue Mitarbeiter


Build momentum with more supported ad spend, more ad variations and a dedicated account manager.


Scale and grow large supported ad spend, ad variations and a dedicated account manager.


Scale and grow large supported ad spend, ad variations and a dedicated account manager.


Build momentum with more supported ad spend, more ad variations and a dedicated account manager.


Scale and grow large supported ad spend, ad variations and a dedicated account manager.


Scale and grow large supported ad spend, ad variations and a dedicated account manager.

Ads Booster

Build momentum with more supported ad spend, more ad variations and a dedicated account manager.

Ads Premium

Scale and grow large supported ad spend, ad variations and a dedicated account manager.

Ads Booster

Build momentum with more supported ad spend, more ad variations and a dedicated account manager.

Ads Premium

Scale and grow large supported ad spend, ad variations and a dedicated account manager.

Ads Booster

Build momentum with more supported ad spend, more ad variations and a dedicated account manager.

Ads Premium

Scale and grow large supported ad spend, ad variations and a dedicated account manager.

* Ad spend not included in minimum total spend and paid directly to social platform.

Sind Sie bereit neues Personal einzustellen?

So einfach ist es.

Profitieren Sie von unserer Erfahrung und Kompetenz im Bereich der weltweiten Arbeitsvermittlung! Wir finden für Sie mit aktiver Personalberatung, anzeigengestützter Personalsuche und großer Bewerberdatenbank, geeignetes Personal. Minerva Group agiert weltweit und hat die Möglichkeit, die Hilfskräfte aus verschiedenen Regionen über unterschiedliche Mittel auf eine Stelle aufmerksam zu machen.

Ihre Vorteile:

  Globale Reichweite
  Kostengünstiger Service
  Minimaler Auwand für Personalsuche
  Partner mit langjähriger Erfahrung an Ihre Seite
  Zeit- und Kosteneinsparung bei Personalbeschaffung

Ready to grow your business?

Get expert social media advice now

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If you’re looking for a long term strategy to drive more traffic to you website, Search Engine Optimisation can help. We can help your website get found on search engines like Google.

FAQ - Häufig gestellte Fragen

Dank jahrelanger Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet der Arbeitsvermittlung steht Arbitex den Kunden mit ihrem umfangreichen Know-how zur Seite. Vielseitige Auswahlkriterien ermöglichen eine zielgenaue, auf die Interessen des Kunden maßgeschneiderte Bewerbung, um die Zahl relevanter Ergebnisse möglichst hoch zu halten. Unsere Mitarbeiter sind zudem bestens darüber informiert, worauf es bei Bewerbungen zu achten gibt, und Unterstützen Sie gern bei der Optimierung Ihrer Unterlagen, damit Ihre Bewerbung im besten Licht erscheint.
Nein, Minerva Group ist keine Zeitarbeitsfirma. Wir vermitteln unsere Kunden in langfristige feste Arbeitsverhältnisse in Unternehmen der freien Wirtschaft. Der Arbeitsvertrag wird ausschließlich mit dem vermittelten Arbeitgeber und nicht mit Minerva Group geschlossen. Des Weiteren vermitteln wir grundsätzlich nicht an Zeitarbeitsfirmen.
Most Australian adults spend between 1-2 hours on social media each day which is why it’s such a valuable resource for businesses to reach their target customers. You can spread your brand message on a platform that you know potential customers are using nearly every day.
Having consistent social media handles will help users recognise your brand instantly no matter which social media they are using. If your preferred handle is taken you can always add symbols such as a full stop or underscore, or numbers like the year of your establishment to create a unique name that’s still on brand.
This depends on which platform you are using and who your target audience is. Visually attractive content is very important whether you use Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn as your main social media. You should vary your content between photos, videos and sharing website content such as blogs to prevent your audience from getting bored with the same type of posts all the time.
Search engines like Google do not count social shares in their algorithms however, social media and SEO can be beneficial to each other. A large part of SEO is backlinks and the more brand awareness you can achieve through social media, the more likely you are to receive genuine links to your website content from people who recognise and enjoy your brand.